This might be a long one. But something has been weighing on my mind, and I don't know what to do about it. I guess as a mother I will always worry about my daughter. I think it is hardwired into us women by default the moment we know that we are going to have a child.
But does worry ever go away? I'm not talking necessarily about worrying for her safety or if she's going to get her feelings hurt at school, although I do worry about that, too. I'm talking about worrying about her having a good, fulfilling, character-driven life. I know that I did some stupid, inane things as I was growing up, some of which I'm not too proud. But how did I become the person I am, with what I think is a good moral character? Was it the fact that I always felt like I didn't measure up to what my mother expected, and so I am over compensating now for what I thought was a not-good-enough childhood? Is it the fact that I was raised in a church, even though at the time I had no interest and hated going? Is it the fact that I had a sister with whom I shared a room for 18 years? What was it?
I worry about my daughter because I see her doing some of the same things I did when I was her age, and maybe I think that if I can just keep her on the straight-and-narrow that she won't have to go through all the troubles I did.
I don't know. I just want her to have a good life. What that probably means is that I have to teach her what I know, show her how to get back up when she falls, and love her unconditionally. But boy, is that hard.
I'm sure my mother would just laugh and shake her head if she read this, but if I could just make my daughter listen to me and I could keep her from getting herself into trouble with things that should be so easy, like doing her homework, her life would be so much easier!!!! Ugh!!
I am a worrywart by design. I come by it honestly, so please don't hold it against me. Maybe I'm just having "one of those days." I mean, she is only ten, after all.
Thanks for stopping by to let me vent. I know things will work out for the best in the end. They always do. And I know that the only way to know how good you have it is to go through the muck sometimes. Maybe this is the muck. :)
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- Lucy's Mom
- I am blessed to have the family and friends that I do. I falter daily, but I work on improving myself and hopefully that translates into more meaningful relationships with those I love.
This is one of the many things that makes you a good mom. Lucy's a wonderful child. She may push you sometimes, but that is normal. The fact that you love her like you do and care enough to worry about her character pretty much guarantees that she will turn out perfectly. After all, you have turned out to be a truly incredible, inspiring person.